Headstring News
Upsets Galore at U.S. Open as Former Champs Drop to One-Loss Bracket Sep 24, 2005, 6:56 PM
The giants all fell from the winners' bracket on Friday night at the U.S. Open 9-Ball Championship in Chesapeake, Va., as Johnny Archer, Francisco Bustamante, Efren Reyes, Ralf Souquet, Niels Feijen and Jeremy Jones dropped to the one-loss side in the same round of matches.
The carnage started at 9 p.m. Friday with Filipinos Alex Pagulayan and Francisco Bustamante lagging on the TV table. The wily Pagulayan jumped to a quick 5-0 lead, allowing his foe near the table only once - and that was for a push. Regaining his world-beating form after two years of ho-hum play, the resurgent Bustamante rocketed back to take the lead at 9-8, but a hung 4 ball in the 18th rack brought Pagulayan back to the table, where he ran out and then ran the next two racks for an 11-9 victory.
"At the end I got lucky with the 4 ball," Pagulayan said. "That was the key to the match. I was thinking when it was 8-8, just give me one more chance."
On the next table over, Filipino expatriate Jose Parica kept one step ahead of countryman and longtime rival Reyes to win, 11-9. Reyes was joined soon on the one-loss side by several other former Open champions: Johnny Archer fell to Troy Frank, 11-6; Jeremy Jones lost to Andreas Roschkowsky, 11-9; and Ralf Souquet dropped a hill-hill slugfest with upstart Sylver Ochoa, 11-10.
This was all in the same round, mind you, and all within an hour of each other. Other significant winners'-bracket results from the 9 p.m. round included Nick Van den Berg smashing Charlie "Hillbilly" Bryant, 11-4; Viet Nam native Tang Hoa elbowing Holland's Feijen, 11-8; and Charlie Williams halting Ernesto Dominguez.
That left eight men still in the winners' bracket, and dozens left to brave the extraordinarily deep one-loss bracket in this field-of-256 competition with a $200,000 prize fund. At 3 p.m. EST, Tang will play Roschkowsky, Pagulayan will face Frank, Van den Berg will meet Parica, and Williams will lag against Ochoa.
Go to http://www.usopen9ballchampionships.com for more updates.