IPT Announces the Lucky 150 Oct 3, 2005, 4:39 PM
Marketing maven Kevin Trudeau's new International Pool Tour has announced the 150 players who were accepted for membership in the IPT for its first regular tournament season, which kicks off with the IPT Masters' 8-Ball Championship, January 31-February 4, 2006, at the Orlando Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. The advertised prize money for that event is an unprecedented $1 Million, with a first prize of $200,000. Only those players on the 150-person IPT membership list are eligible to enter the tour's regular tournaments, though there are open events planned that will not have that requirement.
All events are to be 8-ball, on slow-nap cloth with 4 1/2-inch pockets. Jump cues and breaking from the side rail is prohibited, and the format is round-robin with the exception of the final match.
The IPT's Web site, www.internationalpooltour.com, notes that, now that the 150 have been announced, it is no longer accepting applications for regular tour players.
At the end of 2006, the bottom 50 money earners on the tour will lose their tour card. An open qualifying tournament will be held to determine who gets those 50 spots for the 2007 season.
Here is the complete 2006 IPT membership list:
2006 IPT Players (Last, First - Country)
Acosta, Roland - Aruba
Adkins, Dee - USA
Alvarez, Frank - USA
Amine, Ouahbi - France
Amir, Ibrahim bin - Malaysia
Appleton, Darren - UK
Archer, Johnny - USA
Bartram, Chris - USA
Basavich, Daniel - USA
Beaufils, Yannick - France
Blyzes, Brian - USA
Brienza, Paul - USA
Broadhurst, Jackie - USA
Bryant, Charles - USA
Bustamante, Francisco - Phillippines
Butera, Lou - USA
Butera, Sal - USA
Calderon, Jerry - Venezuela
Carte,r Linda - USA
Carvajal, Alejandro - Chile
Catledge, Wayne - USA
Cemero, Michael - USA
Chamat, Marcus - Sweden
Chenman, Lee - China/Hong Kong
Chohan, Tony - USA
Colenso, Colin - China
Corr, Karen - USA
Coutts, Glen - New Zealand
Crane, Wade - USA
Czetli, Aaron - USA
Daulton, Shannon - USA
Davenport, Kim - USA
Davis, Mike - USA
Deuel, Corey - USA
Di Liberto, Dany - USA
Di Toro, John - USA
Dodson, Robin - USA
Dominguez, Ernesto - USA
Eberle, Max - USA
Eckert, Ralph - Germany
Edey, Tyler - Canada
Ellerby, Sarah - USA
Facquet, Vincent - France
Feijen, Niels - The Netherlands
Fisher, Allison - USA
Fisher, Kelly - USA
Frank, Troy - USA
Franken, Aaron - Aruba
Friend, Bernie - USA
Fusco, Jimmy - USA Fusco, Pete - USA
Gay, Leil - USA
Goh, Tuan Kiat - Singapore
Gonzalez, Rafael - Venezuela
Gulyassy, Mike - USA
Hall, Buddy - USA
Hann, Quinten - Australia
Harrison, Philip - England
Hatch, Dennis - USA
Hill, Mick - UK
Hofstatter, Gerda - USA
Hohmann, Thorsten - Germany
Holtz, Patrick - UK-Scotland
Hopkins, Allen - USA
Hundal, Raj - United Kingdom
Hunter, Bobby - USA
Immonen, Mika - USA
Incardona, William - USA
Jahnke, Bernd - Germany
Jakulj, Zlatko - Croatia
Jones, Loree Jon - USA
Jones, Sammy - USA
Jones, Tammy - USA
Jones, Jeremy - USA
Juva, Markus - Finland
Keller, Ray - USA
Kelly, Ed "Champagne" - USA
Kennedy, Thomas - USA
Kenniston, Mary - USA
Klasovic, Andreja - Serbia/Montenegro
Kutcher, John - USA
Laurance, Ewa - USA
LeBron, Mike - USA
Lely, Alex - The Netherlands
Leonardo, Gunnar - Aruba
Lin Sheng - Young Taiwan
Lipsky, Steve - USA
Lohtander, Marko - Finland
Macias, John - USA
Manabu, Mori - Japan
Manalo, Marlon - Phillipines
Martin, Ray - USA
Massey, Mike - USA
Mathews, Grady - USA
McCready, Keith - USA
Mckenna, Robert - United Kingdom
Minici, Joe - Australia
Montal, Edwin - Canada
Morris, Carl - UK
Morris, Rodney - USA
Murphy, Austin - USA
O'Sullivan, Ronnie - UK
Owen, Gabe - USA
Parica, Jose - Phillipines
Petroni, Fabio - Italy
Potier, Paul - Canada
Putnam, Shawn - USA
Putnik, Ivica - Croatia
Raney, Jim - USA
Raybone, Neil - UK
Reljic, David - Australia
Rempe, Jim - USA
Reyes, Efren - Phillipines
Roberts, James - USA
Robles, Tony - USA
Runnels, Ike - USA
Sabtu, Suhana Dewi - Malaysia
Sakai, Miyuki - Japan
Saleh, Brian - UK
Salvas, Luc - Canada
Sambajon, Santos - Phillipines
San, Souci George "Ginky" - USA
Santl, Stefan - Germany
Schmidt, John - USA
Schwartz, Larry - USA
Sigel, Mike - USA
Soquet, Ralf - Germany
Stalev, Evgeny - Russia
Storm, Tom - Sweden
Strickland, Earl - USA
Thornfeldt, Helena - USA
Thung, Denny - Indonesia
Tourangeau, Stan - Canada
Townsend, Scotty - USA
Travers, Laurent - France
Van den Berg, Nick - The Netherlands
Varner, Nick - USA
Vickery, Howard - USA
Watson, Gerry - Canada
Webb, Monica - USA
West, Dallas - USA
Wetch, Jimmy - USA
Wheeler, Adam - USA
White, Jimmy - UK
Williams, Charlie - USA
Wims, John - Australia
Yee, Kwan Suet - Malaysia
Younger, Johl - Australia
Yuen, Ooi Fook - Malaysia
Zimmerman, Michael - USA