10-ball pattern drill focuses on cue ball speed control.
Like most of the drills I do, this 10-ball pattern drill requires you to use multiple facets of your game — speed control, cue ball control, follow, draw, English. Rotation games always require you to think and use those different shots because the balls almost always force you to go up and down and around the table. This is a great drill for amateur players and player that need to improve cue ball speed.
This drill is about simplicity. The key is to keep the cue ball away from the rails. You want to stay pretty close to the center of the table, which will afford you many more options for each shot. I see so many players leaving the cue ball too close to the rail in rotation games, which really makes getting around the table much more difficult. Staying in the center of the table will make run outs so much easier.
The rules are simple. The balls must be pocketed in rotation and you are not allowed to make contact with another ball.
If your FargoRate is under 500, you are allowed to shoot the balls into any pocket, including the side pockets.
If your FargoRate is above 500, try limiting yourself to set pockets — odd numbers into bottom right-hand corner and even numbers in top left corner.
Starting with cue ball in hand, use follow on the first four shots (Diagram One). Use a trace of left English for the 1 ball and 2 ball, a trace of right on the 3 ball (put some stroke on this shot) and a trace of left on the 4 ball.
If you can, land straight on the 5 ball (Diagram Two) and use a soft draw. Again, straight in on the 6 is not a bad option. This will allow you to punch the cue ball with a little right to get a nice angle on the 7.
From there, you will utilize the side rails for the final shots. Getting the cue ball in the right spot for the 8 is critical if you are attempting this with the 500-plus FargoRate rules. The 8 ball is the key shot, because the 9 ball and 10 ball will be tricky if you don’t land right on the 9. Use follow, with a touch of right on the 8. Another option is using the second rail to make sure you get the proper angle on the 9. Soft stun follow will allow you to get on the 10 ball. It is important to feel this shot and not get tensed up. If you hit it too hard or draw, you could kiss the 10 or even scratch into the side pocket. Also, you don’t want the pressure of leaving yourself long on the 10 ball.
Don’t be afraid to attack the cue ball. Be in control of the cue ball instead of letting the cue ball control you.